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Photo courtesy of Paul L Derby
We wish to reach all North Rosslyn Residents! If you live in North Rosslyn please let us know how to reach you by clicking here to send us an email with your name, residential address and email address. We will be most happy to add you to our community forum. You will receive emails with information about our neighborhood and have the ability to post messages. We do not send advertising nor do we share your information with other organizations.

There is no charge for North Rosslyn Residents to add yourself to our mailing list and to have full access to the NRCA forum.

The North Rosslyn Civic Association welcomes and encourages all residents and property owners within the association boundary to financially support the association by joining and paying calendar year dues. The dues support the cost of hosting the web page, dues for the Arlington Civic Federation, and the cost of printing materials to distribute.

Individual Membership. Any individual 18 years of age or older who owns or rents real property or resides within the North Rosslyn area is eligible to membership with full voting rights and privileges.

Family or Household Membership. The members of a family or of a single household who qualify as individual members may elect to join as a family or household. Each member shall have full voting rights and privileges. No more than four individuals per household may participate in this type of membership.

Business, Association or nearby resident membership. A business or association within the North Rosslyn area or a nearby resident may join as a non-voting member upon payment of dues to the Treasurer.

Individual Membership and business, association or nearby resident membership dues for the current calendar year are $10. Family or Household Membership dues are $20. To join use the link below to download a membership application. Mail the completed application with a check made payable to North Rosslyn Civic Assoication to:

North Rosslyn Civic Association
PO Box 12695
Arlington VA 22219-2695

After receipt of your application and dues, you and up to 3 of your household members will be eligible to vote.

Click here to obtain a membership application