Request for community input for Arlington County's Blue Ribbon Panel charge
Arlington County Board chair Libby Garvey sent the following letter requesting community input on the charge to the "Blue Ribbon Panel". The original letter and charge are attached to this posting.

Dear Community Leader,
May 27, 2016
We have heard from many people and advisory groups including the Planning Commission, the Urban Forestry Commission and the Alliance for Housing Solutions about our charge to the Blue Ribbon Panel. We heard concerns about the lack of notice and opportunity for input. Therefore, the Board decided to pause and take time to allow for public comment.
We have deferred the implementation of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Strategic Priorities for Arlington, as well as the appointment of any members, to the July 2016 County Board meeting, to allow for the appropriate time to seek feedback and receive input from advisory commissions, the Civic Federation, the Community Facility Study Committee and the broader community on the proposed charge. You may want to View the Board discussion on this motion. (The discussion begins at 34:10.)
In order to guide the feedback, we asked specific questions, although other comments are welcome. Comments should be received no later than July 1, 2016. The original charge is attached for your reference. The questions are:
 Which tasks described in the Charge cause concern to, or require further clarification for your Commission/organization? Are there any tasks with which you are already comfortable or supportive? Are there any tasks you would add?
 What elements or questions would you recommend be incorporated in the Panel’s report to the County Board? Are there other deliverables that you think the Panel should generate?
 What additional guidance (not formally part of the Charge) would you like the Panel to consider? For example, what forms of engagement would you like Panel to pursue with your Commission? With the general public?
Again, on behalf of the Board, thank you for all you do for our community. We welcome any comments you would like us to have before we take this up again in July.

PDF DocBlue_Ribbon_Panel_-_Community_Leader.pdf (568 Kb, 290 downloads) Letter and Charge
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