The meeting was called to order by President Jennifer Zeien at 7:35 PM. Board members in attendance were Jennifer Zeien, Paul Derby, Mort Friedman, and Landis Jones.
A motion to approve the minutes of the January 25, 2012 General Meeting without change was made by Mr. Derby, seconded by Mr. Jones, and approved unanimously.
The Treasurer’s report was provided by Paul Derby. The Association has joined the Arlington County Civic Federation and has total assets of $1008.09. Mr. Derby noted that, for the Association’s expenses for the year to be met, dues from 10-15 additional members are needed, and he invited the attendees to suggest candidates. The report was approved unanimously and will be posted on the NRCA site.
Mr. Derby has posted the latest monthly police report on the NRCA site.
It was reported that new kitchen cabinets are being installed in the Key Boulevard Apartments (KBA). It is now understood by the residents that all tenants will be eligible for assistance vouchers under Section 8, subject to the usual income criteria. It was also reported that the KBA parking lot needs repair, and that the management has been unresponsive to tenant requests that the repairs be made. Mr. Friedman repeated the substance of his conversations with Ken Aughenbaugh, Director of the Housing Division of the County’s Department of Community Planning, Housing & Development (CPHD), noting in response to the residents’ concerns about the parking lot that they must document their complaint to the management before asking CPHD to intervene.
Jennifer Zeien reported that the Rosslyn Sector Plan update has just gotten under way. Ms. Zeien represents the NRCA on the Sector Plan Advisory Committee. County staff are developing a draft plan. The final plan will include reports from consultants and will be responsive to community input.
Landis Jones discussed the Rosslyn Gateway project. He has posted a summary of the Site Plan Review Committee action regarding the project that took place at its latest meeting on March 12. As a result of that meeting, the developer will provide more retail space on Moore Street and Fort Myer Drive. Mr. Jones stressed the importance of using the community benefit money associated with the project to improve Gateway Park. Mr. Friedman noted that this was the developer’s desire as well, and that the citizens and developer might work together to ensure that the community benefit be local. Terri Prell suggested that an elevated park be built between the first two Gateway buildings.
The discussion segued to the recommendations of the Rosslyn Multimodal Transportation Study. Ms. Prell pointed out that slowing down traffic in Rosslyn by changing one-way streets to two-way, as proposed for Fort Myer Drive and Lynn and Moore Streets, is counterproductive, as it will reduce throughput in the Rosslyn core. Concern was also expressed regarding the large number of buses that will turn onto Moore Street from Lee Highway when the slug lanes off Lee Highway have been removed.
Ms. Zeien reported that there will be limited lobby passage through the 1812 Moore Street building between Fort Myer Drive and Moore Street, and that the escalator from the Metro mezzanine to the Skywalk plaza will be replaced by a flight of steps.