Helicopter Community Forum -- September 22, 2010
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Location: Arlington County Board Room
Meeting Facilitator: The Honorable Mary Hynes, Arlington County Board

7:00 pm Welcome, Purpose of Forum, and Introductions
• The Honorable Mary Hynes, Chair Aviation Policy Committee; Member, Arlington County Board
• The Honorable Gerry Hyland, Member, Board of Supervisor, Fairfax County
7:10 pm Overview of Helicopter Regulations and Policy
Administrator Carmine will provide an overview of helicopter regulations and policy, including a review of the
helicopter routing system in the Metropolitan Washington Area. He will also introduce other FAA staff who
may assist in providing a clear understanding of roles of various offices in managing airspace in the Washington
• Carmine Gallo, FAA Regional Administrator, Eastern Region, New York
7:40 pm Overview: Military Users of Helicopter Route System in Metropolitan Washington Region
Representatives from all branches of the military, including the DOD will participate in this presentation.
The emphasis will be on explaining each branches mission and practices/or programs in place to lessen the
impact of helicopter on communities.
• Military Representatives
8:30 pm Panel Discussion: Strategies to Address Concerns of Helicopter Impacts on Quality of Life in the
Metropolitan Washington Area
• Participants: Honorable Gerry Hyland, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, Military Users of
Airspace Representatives, Carmine Gallo, FAA Regional Administrator
• Facilitated by Honorable Mary Hynes
1. Can military helicopters be required to fly the routes designated on the FAA Helicopter Route Chart that
are primarily over highways and the Potomac River?
2. Can military helicopters be required to fly no lower than 1,200 feet above ground level when their mission
mandates that they fly over residential areas unless air traffic control authorizes a lower altitude?
3. Is there interest in establishing a system of recording helicopter flights? If so, who would fund and manage
such a system?
4. How are noncompliance helicopter users addressed? Are there any penalties for noncompliance and who
enforces sanctions, in any?
5. How are helicopter issues addressed in other major urban areas, New York City, Boston, etc.? What
strategies appear to work best?
9:00 pm Consensus, Next Steps, and Conclusion
• Honorable Mary Hynes
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One additional important detail re the Helicopter Forum:

RSVP by contacting George Nichols on gnichols@mwcog.org.
Posts: 285 | Registered: January 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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