Extended Construction Hours for Rosslyn New Developments
The developers of 1812 North Moore Street (Monday Properties), the building between the metro and the electrical substation, will be seeking a "minor" site plan amendment which, among other things, would allow construction work to be performed during extended hours. Monday Properties is proposing to modify the current site plan condition which now allows construction to occur between 7:00 AM and 6:30 PM on weekdays, 10:00 AM and 6:30 PM on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Under Monday's proposal, construction would be allowed between 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM on weekdays, 10:00 AM and 10:00 PM on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

JBG, developers of Central Place (block bounded by Moore, Lynn, Wilson and 19th Streets) also indicated that they will be seeking a site plan amendment to allow construction to occur 24 hours/day (as an opening position).

Construction on both developments is scheduled to start with excavation beginning January 2, 2009. Monday Properties anticipates construction to last 35 months under the present hours, possibly being able to be shortened to 30 months if extended hours are permitted. Duration of the JBG project is unknown, but will include two principal constructions – the South building (office tower) starting this coming January and a subsequent North building (residential tower) starting later in the decade.

NRCA, representing residents in the affected community, is obviously an interested party and will be developing a position on Monday's proposed amended hours of operation. NRCA could adopt any one of a number of positions, according to the consensus of the community:

(1) Oppose any change to current hours of operation as permitted in the site plan.
(2) Support extended hours of operation with the view that construction time will be minimized.
(3) Support some degree of extension of hours for the entire construction period.
(4) Support some degree of extension of hours for some period bounded by dates or by phases of construction – e.g., allow extended hours of operation for excavation phase only.

Please let NRCA know your views.

Posts: 285 | Registered: January 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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As long as there are several blocks of space between the new construction and residences, extended hours seem reasonable. However, when people move into Turnberry Tower, construction noise, especially during extended hours, may be problematic for the new residents to our neighborhood. So I would suggest allowing extended construction hours up to the time that Turnberry Tower residents start moving in and as long as the construction noise isn't so loud as to greatly disturb current residents.

I cannot imagine anyone wanting night long construction going on across the street from their home or hotel room.
Posts: 417 | Registered: November 26, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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First, thanks to Jennifer for posting this issue. Second, I agree with Paul Derby's suggestion concerning impacts on Turnberry residents.

I'm also concerned about the burden of extended construction hours on the current North Rosslyn residents. Construction means noise, glaring lights in the sky and heavy truck traffic. Extended construction hours will give us more of the same. I'd want explicit permit conditions to limit these (and other) nuisances.

Not sure that we, Arlingtonians, should provide extended construction hours for free. JBG and Monday cut deals with the community to get construction permits; extended hours should have been part of the deal. So, I recommend asking for additional community benefits. For example:
- Evening meeting space for local organizations, and/or
- Ability for local organizations to post bulletin board notices to residents of these new buildings and/or,
- Space for government and NGO services to Arlington residents. There's a serious lack of such space Rosslyn.
Posts: 319 | Registered: December 08, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The attached letter explaining our opposition to extended construction hours was sent to Walt Tejada today.

Word DocLetter_re_extended_construction_hours_Monday_Properties-4.doc (18 Kb, 710 downloads) opposing extended construction hours
Posts: 319 | Registered: December 08, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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