Minutes of Association Meeting of November 11, 2010
<Morton Friedman>
November 11, 2010

The meeting was called to order by President Jennifer Zeien at 7:30 PM. Board members in attendance were Jennifer Zeien, Mort Friedman and Heather Schaefer. Landis Jones, NRCA alternate representative to the Rosslyn Renaissance Urban Design Committee, was also present.

Katie Brown-Henry of Arlington County gave a presentation on the Neighborhood Conservation Program. Each neighborhood in Arlington is encouraged to develop a Neighborhood Conservation Plan, for several reasons: to have an opportunity to express community concerns related to conservation as defined by the Program, to have these concerns treated as higher priority by the County, and as a community development activity. The plan development process typically takes 12-18 months; the process, timeline and available resources were summarized in Ms. Brown-Henry’s presentation. Once developed, portions of the Plan may be implemented in concert with the County’s Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee. The initial steps in the process are to form a local Conservation Plan Committee and conduct a survey of community concerns. Heather Schaefer agreed to chair the North Rosslyn Neighborhood Conservation Plan Committee; participation by the membership is welcome. The County will facilitate the surveying of multifamily apartment residents. A preliminary outline of the North Rosslyn Conservation Plan, drafted by Ms. Zeien and Ms. Schaefer, was distributed. Additional information concerning Arlington County Neighborhood Conservation can be found at http://www.arlingtonva.us/depa...OnsConservation.aspx

Absent a quorum, the minutes of the previous General Meeting could not be approved.

Ms. Zeien presented Paul Derby’s Treasurer’s report in his absence. NRCA has 46 members. The current checking account balance is $751.17, projected to be $730.17 at year end. The report also noted that the $10 NRCA membership fees for 2011 are welcome at this time. Dues are also welcome. Since NRCA is a 501(c)4 non-profit corporation, dues and donations from businesses, but not individuals, are tax deductible. The Treasurer’s report will be posted on the NRCA site.

Mort Friedman summarized the November 3 meeting that he, Ms. Zeien, Mr. Derby and Brad Nierenberg had with John Welsh and Joe Weatherly of AHC, Inc., regarding their plans for the redevelopment of the Key Boulevard Apartments site. It was the impression of the NRCA attendees that AHC is not prepared to reduce the number of apartments in their plan to fewer than the 170 in their most recent proposal. Several alternatives to, and many deficiencies of, their plan were noted and will be presented to the County at or prior to site plan review.

The General Meetings of the NRCA in 2011 will be held at 7:30 PM on the following dates: February 3, April 21, June 16 and October 20. The provisional venue is the Atrium. Stephanie Benefield will confirm the availability of the Atrium meeting room on those dates, and reserve the room if available.

Ms. Zeien reported on a request by Deloitte for a considerable increase in the size of their sign on the Waterview building. The attendees unanimously opposed the increase. Ms. Zeien will inform the County to that effect.

Landis Jones reviewed matters discussed at the latest Urban Design Committee meeting. Vornado Realty is waiting for the results of the Rosslyn Building Height and Taper Study before submitting its redevelopment plan for the riverside block that includes the Spectrum. The renovation of Hillside Park is complete. Monday Properties is beginning subterranean construction on the 1812 North Moore site. Mr. Jones noted that ground was broken for the new Rosslyn Metro elevators in late October; this led to discussion regarding the possibility that the elevators might be damaged during the construction of Central Place. Additional realignments will be required on Moore Street during construction of 1812 North Moore and the Metro elevators. Only Metro buses will be allowed on Moore Street, and a traffic light may be added at the intersection of Key Boulevard and Nash Street to control traffic increases projected to arise from the construction. Rosslyn will be experimenting with banners on the skywalks over Lynn and North Moore Streets, to mitigate the appearance of the construction zone. Mr. Jones expressed the community’s concern to the Urban Design Committee that lines of sight to the skywalks not be blocked, for safety and security reasons.

The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Mort Friedman, Secretary
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