NRCA Collaboration Area
Key Blvd and N Ode St crosswalk stanchions

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July 10, 2008, 02:14 PM
Paul Derby
Key Blvd and N Ode St crosswalk stanchions
Over the 2008 Memorial Day weekend the crosswalk stanchions disappeared from the crosswalk on Key Blvd and N Ode Street. Officials in Arlington County were contacted the next business day with a request to have the stanchions replaced. With the help of county board member Walter Tejhada, we were able to get the replacement stanchions installed on July 9, 2008.

We learned from the effort it took to work through to get these stanchions replaced that requests for any traffic lights, street signs and all traffic related situations may be reported to a "call center" set up by Arlington County. The "call center" telephone number is 703-228-6570.

If you notice a situation in the community that needs attention, do call this number and report the situation. Ask for a tracking number so that you know the situation will be considered and evaluated by Arlington County staff.

If the situation is of community interest, please document and post the situation along with the tracking number so the rest of the community can know that Arlington County has been notified.