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Today's Urban Design Committee meeting on 1812 N. Moore

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December 12, 2007, 04:24 PM
Jennifer Zeien
Today's Urban Design Committee meeting on 1812 N. Moore
The County Board meets on 1812 on Saturday morning, but the developer, Monday Properties gave the Urban Design Committee a preview this afternoon. Significant changes had been made since the last time the developer presented before the Urban Design Committee ("UDC") earlier this year, and indeed a number of changes had been made since the Planning Commission met earlier this month.

The thrust of the changes is that all of the elevator equipment has been removed from area above the top inhabited floor so that, from the observation deck, there is a view through the 1812 building above the horizon line. The roof of inhabited space on 1812 is at 430 feet ASL, virtually the same height as the floor of the observation deck on the JBG building (431 feet ASL). The building's "sculpted top" goes to 470 feet ASL, but is transparent. This is probably the best accommodation that can be expected between the county's desire for a sculpted top, the developer's wish to maximize revenue-generating space, and the observation deck condition respecting unobstructed views (quite a bit of time was spent by the UDC in debating what exactly the viewshed from the observation deck should be and how it will be implemented in the context of future development). Also, an additional bus bay was added on North Moore St, bringing the total to 7.

The community benefit package (totaling $24,783,320) involves the Newseum space being provided to the community rent free for 10 years, LEED platinum rating (related to environmental merit of the building), a $4.8 million contribution to affordable housing, a public art contribution, and a variety of metro and transportation improvements including $1.5 million toward the new WMATA elevators in Rosslyn, a through-block connector, upgrades to metro lobby (including enhancing natural light in the lobby area and a second exit to Ft. Myer Drive) and the Ft. Myer skywalk (improved cladding), a new transit store, and significant paving and crosswalk upgrades on North Moore Street to enhance the connection between the metro lobby and the new plaza and to emphasize the pedestrian-friendly nature of North Moore St.