NRCA Collaboration Area
Notification of Noise Exemption Request - 01_17_15

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January 14, 2015, 01:33 PM
Paul Derby
Notification of Noise Exemption Request - 01_17_15
As described in the attached correspondence, The Rosslyn Central Place Development project is applying for a Noise Exepmtion request from Arlington County to perform work onsite between the hours of 7:00am and 10:00am on Saturday January 17th, 2015.

The work being performed will be excavation, hauling, formwork & rebar placement and waterproofing. These activities are not anticipated to cause disruption to the neighboring properties, however, our typical weekend work hours begin at 10:00am. Due to lost time from recent weather, we are making this request.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Mike Reisinger l Project Manager
1735 North Lynn Street, Suite 102 l Rosslyn, VA l 22209
m. 210.889.9194 o. 202-8131382

Noise Exemption Notification