NRCA Collaboration Area
Rosslyn/Custis Trail Detours to Begin this Week

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March 06, 2017, 08:24 PM
Sylvia Kendra
Rosslyn/Custis Trail Detours to Begin this Week
Custis Trail users - in the vicinity of N. Lynn Street and Lee Highway - will begin experiencing detours this week. Arlington County, along with Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and Dominion Virginia Power, will be performing utility work; part of the Lynn Street Esplanade & Custis Trail Improvements project. Trail users are advised to be aware of changing detour signs as project utility work progresses.

Below please find a list of work dates and specific detour locations (map included). Please note - work dates are estimated and may vary.

Phase I:
Street work to be completed 3/11/17
•No trail detour

Phase II (red dotted line):
Detour East of N. Lynn Street 3/8/17 - 4/17/17
•Trail will be rerouted onto adjacent paved public driveway. Detour area will have signs and temporary trailer mounted lighting.
•Detour area has a steeper grade than current trail. Bicyclists may choose to dismount before entering and exiting the detour zone.

Phase III (yellow dotted line):
Detour at NE corner of Trail Crossing at N. Lynn Street 4/18/17 - 5/8/17
•Trail will be rerouted around work area at NE corner at N. Lynn Street; crossing will be shifted north. Detour area will have signs and temporary trailer mounted lighting.

Phase IV (solid yellow line):
Detour West of N. Lynn Street 5/9/17 – 6/1/17
•Trail will be rerouted to the south (Gateway Park) side of Lee Highway between N. Lynn Street and N. Fort Myer Drive.
•The detour route is narrower than current trail. Bicyclists are asked to slow down or dismount when pedestrians are near.

Please visit the project webpage for additional information or contact Tom Hutchings, Project Manager/Arlington County, at 703 228-3809.

Please share with your community and as you see fit. Thank you for your patience and cooperation through the duration of this project.