NRCA Collaboration Area
Minutes of the NRCA Board Meeting of October 13, 2010

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October 28, 2010, 08:44 PM
<Morton Friedman>
Minutes of the NRCA Board Meeting of October 13, 2010
October 13, 2010

The meeting was called to order by President Jennifer Zeien at 7:30 PM. Board members in attendance were Jennifer Zeien, Mark Antell, Paul Derby, Mort Friedman, and Heather Schaefer. Brad Nierenberg, chair of NRCA’s Key Boulevard Apartments Redevelopment Committee, was also present.

It was determined that the minutes of the previous Board meeting had already been approved.

Paul Derby presented the Treasurer’s Report. The Association has 46 members and a mailing list of 120-130 names. Year to date dues and contributions total $555.87. PayPal is used as an inexpensive way to accept dues from members who no longer use checks. The current Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement are posted on the Board Internal area of the NRCA Forum. Mr. Derby also noted that a Key Boulevard Apartments (KBA) Discussion Group has been set up on the NRCA website, with 44 members. Addressees in the Discussion Group and mailing list who are not members of NRCA will be sent a mailing inviting them to join the Association for 2011.

The latest draft of Jennifer Zeien’s letter to John Welsh of AHC, Inc. (the entity that is proposing to redevelop the KBA) was discussed, as were alternative redevelopment approaches that might merit AHC consideration. In view of AHC’s inadequate maintenance of the buildings currently on the site, we will demand a greater commitment from AHC to maintain at an acceptable level any new construction on which they hold title, whatever the approved plan may be. Ms. Zeien’s letter will be sent to AHC, the members of the County Board, and Rosslyn Renaissance. The letter will request a meeting at which NRCA will present (but not propose) alternatives to the AHC proposal. These will include an alternative that combines townhouses and a smaller apartment building, worked up by Mort Friedman, as well as a proposal from Mark Antell that the existing apartments be rehabilitated. Brad Nierenberg will be the point-of-contact for the meeting. At the meeting, NRCA will reaffirm its commitment to affordable housing. Mark will ask Stephanie Benefield to appoint a liaison from the Atrium to NRCA.

Heather Schaefer and Ms. Zeien will attend the Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee meeting on Octorber 14. This committee deals with neighborhood planning and improvements, including specifics like missing sidewalks and lighting. They are also managing a transportation study. North Rosslyn is one of six remaining neighborhoods in Arlington that do not have a conservation plan, and this will be a first step toward developing one..

Ms. Zeien reported on the second public meeting presenting a draft Gateway Park Master Plan, which she attended. Two scenarios were presented for comment by the public; both would retain a performance amphitheater similar in size and orientation to the existing one; i.e., with the stage area adjacent to Lynn Street. The principal difference between the two scenarios was that, in one, the park’s concrete bridge structure would be removed, opening up more usable area within the park, while the other would retain all existing bridges. Those in attendance overwhelmingly preferred the alternative in which the bridges were removed. Ms. Zeien noted that the ongoing effort is to develop a Master Plan (a concept plan indicating functional attributes and uses of the park) and the draft was not to be construed as a site plan proposal.

Mr. Antell reported that the Candidates Night, held on October 12, was very well attended and that the presentations were well done and civil, but there were few attendees from North Rosslyn.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

The next meeting of the NRCA will be a General Meeting on November 11.

Respectfully submitted,

Mort Friedman, Secretary