NRCA Collaboration Area
Board Meeting Minutes April 8, 2010

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April 15, 2010, 08:20 AM
Anne Spiesman
Board Meeting Minutes April 8, 2010
The regularly scheduled board meeting of the North Rosslyn Civic Association was called to order at approximately 7:15 pm on April 8, 2010 at the Gallery. President Mark Antell, Secretary Anne Spiesman, and Directors Jennifer Zeien and Morton Friedman were present, as well as Association Member Brad Nierenberg. Treasurer Paul Derby sent his report.

Committee Report: Key Blvd. Apt. Redevelopment Update

Ms. Zeien and Mr. Nierenberg (committee chair) updated the Board on the recent NRCA committee meeting to discuss the civic association’s consensus position and strategy on involvement in AHC’s proposed redevelopment of the Key Blvd. Apartments. Minutes of that meeting (March 2010) have been submitted to the Board. Mr. Nierenberg requested Board guidance on the following:

Highlights of the March 2010 Committee Meeting. The three focus areas of the committee were establishes as (1) building height/density (2) traffic/parking/access routes and (3) setbacks.

Name of the subcommittee. The Board requested that Mr. Nierenberg suggest names and float them to the Board.

Preparation of a flyer for the North Rosslyn community. The Board requested that Mr. Nierenberg float a strawman to the Board for approval. Mr. Nierenberg would like to complete this activity very quickly so that he can produce the flyer, post it in the neighborhood, and use it as a handout to attract attention to the committee (and the NRCA). The Board requested that the handout include contact information so that NRCA could establish contact with interested persons in the future. The flyer would announce an informational committee meeting.

Upcoming Informational Committee Meeting. Mr. Nierenberg requested permission to hold another committee meeting to educate neighbors and others regarding AHC’s proposed activities. The Board approved a tentative date of Thursday May 6 at 7pm , at the Atrium. Mark Antell agreed to coordinate with the Atrium (Stephanie Benefield) regarding use of their community room for this meeting. Mr. Nierenberg has volunteered to produce a CAD rendering showing the building in its neighborhood context to illustrate for concerned residents what its impact would be.
Committee Communication. The Board requested that Mr. Nierenberg work with Mr. Derby to utilize the NRCA’s existing web capabilities to provide a mechanism for committee internal communications, rather than using a potentially confusing (and commercial) separate Google Groups (or alternative) approach. This may allow NRCA to obtain email addresses of those who are interested, so that we may contact them in the future.

Interaction with AHC. Mr. Nierenberg proposed that he interact directly with AHC to present to them the committee’s three areas of concern. The Board requested that it be apprised of all communication with AHC.

Interaction with Arlington County Board Members. Mr. Nierenberg asked for the Board’s opinion on establishing contact with County Board members, including inviting them to the upcoming May 6 (tentative) meeting. No consensus emerged from this discussion.

Relationship of Committee with Groups Beyond NRCA. The Board concurred that the committee operates as a committee of the NRCA but may that in the future, there may be strategic advantages to work collaboratively on common concerns with other groups, such as the Civic Federation, the Key Blvd. Gardeners, Rosslyn Renaissance, etc. Such interactions should be guided by the Board.

Nominations for NRCA Officers: A slate emerged via consensus as follows:

President: Jennifer Zeien
1st Vice President: Mark Antell
Treasurer: Paul Derby
Secretary: Mort Friedman
2nd Vice President: Vacant

The slate was approved by acclamation. These officers will serve a 1 year term commencing immediately.

3. Other Committee Reports
Wilson School Committee. Committee Chair Mr. Antell had no news to report.
Membership Committee. Mr. Derby noted (via Ms. Zeien) that our funds would allow us to make our annual membership payment of $75 to Rosslyn Renaissance. However, Ms. Spiesman, Mr. Antell, and Mr. Friedman requested that the idea of reciprocal memberships be proposed to RR. Ms. Zeien noted that participation in RR is beneficial to NRCA in that we get advance warning of important issues such as zoning variances, etc., on planned building projects. The idea of raising organizational membership dues to NRCA was proposed as a means of raising the funding that could be used for RR membership. Consensus was not achieved on this issue.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30 pm.