NRCA Collaboration Area
Minutes of the NRCA Board Meeting of March 10, 2011

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April 09, 2011, 11:39 AM
<Morton Friedman>
Minutes of the NRCA Board Meeting of March 10, 2011
March 10, 2011

The meeting was called to order by President Jennifer Zeien at 7:40 PM. Board members in attendance were Jennifer Zeien, Paul Derby, Mort Friedman and Landis Jones.

The minutes of the previous Board of Directors meeting were approved unanimously.

Jennifer Zeien and Paul Derby having been re-elected at the previous General Meeting, the Board of Directors elected officers for 2011 as follows: Jennifer Zeien, President; Paul Derby, Treasurer; Mort Friedman, Secretary; Mark Antell, 1st Vice President; and Landis Jones, 2nd Vice President.

Mr. Derby provided the Treasurer’s report. The current balance in the NRCA account is $953.63, including donations of $40. The membership check from the Highgate Owners Association (HOA) has not been received, though HOA states that they have sent it; NRCA will request a second check if the HOA check does not arrive in three months. Expected expenses through the end of the year are limited to $240 for web service. Mr. Derby has filed the forms necessary for the Association to maintain its 501(c)(4) tax status. The Board authorized the purchase of a Wells Fargo stamp for endorsements, and new checks with the Wells Fargo logo; the cost of these purchases is ca. $70.

Ms. Zeien noted that Colony House has been sold to B.F. Saul, presumably for development. We had been asked by the County whether it was within the NRCA boundaries, suggesting near-term plans for the site, of which we will try to stay aware. [N.B. According to the Arlington County map of civic association boundaries, the site is in the purview of the Colonial Village Civic Association].

We received a letter from the Arlington Sports Commission, inquiring whether there were any open spaces in our area on which we would like them to install synthetic turf. The Board discussed whether to use this request as an opportunity to stress the lack of green space, turf covered or natural, in our neighborhood.

There was a brief discussion of the upcoming sector plan update for the Rosslyn Coordinated
Redevelopment District (RCRD) within the Rosslyn Metro Station Area. The planning is intended to build upon the Building Height and Gateway Park studies. It was noted that the Wilson School will be the subject of a separate study; its role in the sector plan update is under discussion by the Arlington County Long Range Planning Committee.

The sign on Wilson Boulevard in front of the 7-11 at the corner of Quinn Street is not larger than the sign that had been displayed when the corner was occupied by a gas station; accordingly, and notwithstanding the change in traffic pattern established by the new occupant of the site, its presence is not subject to review unless it poses a safety hazard.

Rosslyn Renaissance knows about the torn and ratty screening on the roof of Turnberry Tower. NRCA has not yet identified whom to contact to issue a complaint. The Board discussed the need to engage the residents of Turnberry Tower and other high rise complexes in the area served by the NRCA. Ms. Zeien suggested that one way to approach residents of these buildings would be to request that NRCA speak at one of their meetings.

We have received no notice from the County regarding any hearings with respect to AHC, Inc.’s plan for redeveloping the Key Boulevard Apartments site. Ms. Zeien pointed out that the final proposal may be very different from what we have seen, so we should wait until it is released before framing our response. Mr. Friedman pointed out that, in addition to the negative impact of the current AHC plan on the surrounding neighborhood, the plan is insensitive to the needs of prospective residents by proposing to warehouse them in a monolithic structure that extends to the setback lines in every direction, with the only play area for children being a small walled-in central courtyard.

Regarding our request that the blocked sidewalk on Fort Myer Drive be reopened, Mr. Derby reported that Arlington County referred the issue to Monday Properties, which has been unresponsive to the request.

Ms. Zeien has been working on the Neighborhood Conservation Plan; Mr. Jones and Ms. Zeien will prepare the community survey once the first draft of the Plan is complete.

There being no additional business, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.

The next meeting of the NRCA will be a General Meeting of the Association on April 21, 2011.

Respectfully submitted,

Mort Friedman, Secretary