NRCA Collaboration Area
Holiday Inn Project Update August 13, 2020

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August 17, 2020, 12:08 PM
Brittany Fried
Holiday Inn Project Update August 13, 2020
13 August 2020
To: NRCA Membership
From: Tom Cooke, President
Re: Recent Meeting Concerning Holiday Inn Project

On August 13, I had an opportunity to hear an update on the Holiday Inn Project. In this Memo, I would like to make note of the significant updates.
1. Some rather minor changes to the original plans
2. Reduce the number of hotel rooms and the tradeoff is more apartments.

Proposed: 376
Revised: 326 (-50)

Proposed: 502
Revised: 523 (+21)

3. No change to parking.
4. No change to height. Published reports gave false information.
5. No change to project density.

6. Demolition may start in December 2020
4-5 months to bring the building down
4-5 months for excavation work
4 months to get the new building up to Nash Street ground
level. Note: Nash Street ground level = 3rd floor on the Ft.
Myer side.
7. The next step is for the County to review the proposed
changes. This will likely be done at the staff level.
8. Finally, a large number of Turnberry owners have requested
the inspection of their property prior to the commencement
of any construction related work. The 3rd party engineering
company will make contact with the owners.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.